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Eau de bouleau, Recipes

Moisturize beautifully in spring witheau de bouleau evoleum

Published on 15/05/2020
Eau de bouleau, Recipes
Moisturize beautifully in spring witheau de bouleau evoleum
Published on 15/05/2020


L'eau de bouleaumainly birch sap, has been recognized for centuries for its fortifying and purifying properties. Loaded with minerals and trace elements, birch sap is harvested in spring. As the snow melts, the birch tree filters water through the soil and its roots. This nutrient- and energy-laden water is then transported to the tree crown to provide all the elements needed for healthy budding. This water is birch sap. The composition and quality of birch sap depends on the richness of the soil from which the tree draws its water. The wilder and more natural the forest, and the more isolated it is from human pollution, the richer its soil will be in nutrients. That's why evoleum birch sap is extracted from Finnish forests, the purest and least polluted in the world.
Rich in manganese and low in calories, evoleumeau de bouleau is an organic plant-based beverage renowned for its anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, draining and detoxifying properties. It's the detox drink to include all year round in your beauty and well-being routine. eau de bouleau can be enjoyed on its own or as a beauty infusion for a unique taste experience.

Beauty tea: the benefits of this new healthy drink

The principle of thebeauty infusion is simple: fresh, seasonal fruits, vegetables and herbs, preferably organically grown, are infused in a eau de bouleau. Theevoleum beauty infusion reveals all its flavor and its detoxifying and revitalizing virtues. It can be consumed all year round, providing the body with numerous benefits.
The virtues ofeau de bouleau combined with the vitamins and minerals of the infused fruit and vegetables, will cleanse the organs of toxins assimilated by the body throughout the year. Thebeauty infusion is renowned for its benefits on the skin,moisturizing and protecting it from premature cell ageing.
The sun is back, and with it this springtime recipe forevoleum beauty infusion, thought up by evoleum naturopath Aurélie Fleschen. This beauty drink is the perfect way to hydrate and detoxify during the summer months.

The ingredients

To make this beauty infusion, you will need :
- a few liters ofeau de bouleau evoleum
- a few sprigs of turmeric
- 1 cucumber
- 2 lemons
- 2 oranges
- a few sprigs of rosemary


The benefits of the ingredients

- L'eau de bouleaucomposed mainly of birch sap, is rich in manganese and known for its detoxifying and antioxidant properties.
- Cucumber is a vegetable rich in potassium and vitamin K.
- Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and is also recognized as a blood purifier.
- Lemon is a fruit rich in vitamin C and also considered an immune booster.
-Oranges are rich in both antioxidants and vitamin C.
- Rosemary is highly appreciated for its diuretic and antioxidant virtues. 


Preparation is quite simple.
- Place theeau de bouleau evoleum in the fridge.
- Wash the fruit and vegetables, then thinly slice the cucumber and turmeric. Slice the lemons and oranges. Note that it's important to keep the skin on fruits and vegetables, as it contains many vitamins. Choose fresh, organic produce.
- Place everything in a jar and add the rosemary.
- Pour theeau de bouleau over the top and leave to infuse for three to four hours, until the fruit has flavoured the water.
- Don't forget to add ice cubes 15 minutes before serving, to add a touch of freshness to your beauty infusion.
- Once ready, prepare a glass by placing a few pieces of the fruit and vegetables from the recipe in the bottom of the glass.
- Now, with an evoleum straw, you can enjoy your detox drink with complete peace of mind...

Drink without moderation!

Storage tip: don't exceed 48 hours to avoid losing the drink's benefits and freshness.


By Margaux Guder, published on 15/05/2020
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