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topicality, well-being, Nutricosmetics

Inspiring women : Mathilde & Emilie LACAZE

Published on 16/06/2021
topicality, well-being, Nutricosmetics
Inspiring women : Mathilde & Emilie LACAZE
Published on 16/06/2021

At evoleum, we are committed to showcasing inspirational women who share ourholistic vision ofbeauty

For this second interview, we have chosen to focus on the two inspiring women who run the plant canteen Sisters: Mathilde & Emilie Lacaze.  

In a few words, who are you?
Emilie We are two sisters, Emilie and Mathilde, aged 37 and 31. We both come from the Paris region, where we still live. I am also the mother of a 3 year old boy.
For the past two years, we have been running an organic canteen and coffee shop together in the heart of Paris, which we decided to call simply Sisters.
Before that, we had several experiences in the luxury industry in France and abroad. My sister lived in Qatar for 5 years and I spent a year in London.


Your mantra? 
Mathilde Keep it simple and authentic


Your 3 favourite beauty products? 
Mathilde Once again, simple and authentic products: Marseille soap to eliminate small pimples, coconut oil to moisturise the skin andeau de bouleau for luminous skin every day


The best beauty tip you ever received? 
Emilie The beauty begins on the inside. Enjoying organic and seasonal fruit and vegetables every day, combined with a good night's sleep, is the first step to staying fit.
Mathilde Nature does things well. She offers us the fruit and vegetables we need according to the seasons. All we have to do is follow and respect it.


What is the wellness routine you can't live without (yoga, ...)?
Emilie : We practice morning and evening the face yoga to relax our features, especially after a long day at the restaurant.


How was Sisters born? 
Mathilde: We thought about the project for several years. During our travels, it took shape little by little in our heads.
We had to be ready and available professionally and personally. In 2018, our planets aligned and we actually started working on the concept full time. Entrepreneurship is a great and beautiful adventure that teaches us a lot about ourselves. After several months of searching for premises and putting together the necessary documents for the banks, we opened Soeurs Restaurant, after 3 months of work, in March 2019.


Can you tell us more about your daily life as a restorer?
Mathilde: It's very intense physically and mentally, because my sister and I hold operational positions, but also managerial positions. You have to know how to juggle these three roles, but today we can't see ourselves doing anything differently because it's imperative for us to always be at the heart of our restaurant.
Emilie: Our job is so exciting. For my sister, it's the customer experience, which she loves, and for me it's the creative side.


Your sources of inspiration?
Mathilde: Our sources of inspiration are varied. First of all, nature and the seasons, which we follow when creating our menu.
We also draw a lot of inspiration from the principles of naturopathy, so that our dishes are always balanced and full of goodness.
We also follow a lot the different cuisines of the world, which are always very inspiring.


A good address to recommend?  
Mathilde: Michel Bras' restaurant Le Suquet, on the heights of Laguiole, which reminds us of our origins in Aveyron: ugastronomic, plant-based and flavourful cuisine.


Would you prefer Oxygénation, Radiance or Longévité ?
Emilie : Radiance
Mathilde : Oxygénation


We invite you to discover the restaurant Soeurs at 27 Rue Cambacérès, 75008 Paris, open Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm. 

Our nutricosmetic cures are a perfect match for Mathilde & Emilie's gourmet, plant-based cuisine

By Margaux Guder, published on 16/06/2021
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