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topicality, well-being, cosmetique-a-boire, Équilibre, Nutricosmétique, Care Drinkable Food Supplements

My routine Équilibre : 3 good health and beauty reflexes

Published on 27/03/2022
topicality, well-being, cosmetique-a-boire, Équilibre, Nutricosmétique, Care Drinkable Food Supplements
My routine Équilibre : 3 good health and beauty reflexes
Published on 27/03/2022

At evoleum, we are convinced that taking a food supplement goes hand in hand with the implementation of good daily habits. Together, the results are visible quickly and last in the long term.

To coincide with the launch of our new skincare product Équilibre, we'd like to share with you our nutricosmetic expertise in the service of your skin and your health. Implementing a daily routine will maximize the results of Équilibre. Tailor-made for Cheval Blanc, our new Drinkable Food Supplements treatmentimproves overall skin health and stimulates the immune system. In this article, we share our secrets for more beautiful skin and enhanced immunity.


1) Our plate, a reflection of our skin and our health

We constantly hear that we need to eat well. That it's important for our skin and our health. Numerous studies show that eating well is the first step to healthy skin and a healthy body. While you're taking Équilibre, we obviously recommend a balanced diet, but we also recommend that you focus on certain foods which will reinforce the results of your treatment. Omega-3s, antioxidants and probiotics are the key foods to consume as a complement to our Équilibre cure, but also in everyday life for their exceptional properties on our immunity and skin.

Omega-3s ensure that the cardiovascular system functions properly. In addition to their health benefits, omega-3s are necessary to nourish the protective hydrolipidic film of our skin and to ensure its elasticity. We can easily find them in salmon, small oily fish (mackerel, herring, sardines, etc.), vegetable oils (rapeseed, linseed, etc.) and oilseeds (walnuts, almonds, etc.).

Another key food category we recommend is antioxidants. Incorporating antioxidants into our eating habits helps to strengthen our immune system against the onset of infections and to reduce the premature ageing of our cells. Fruits rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, or rich in polyphenols, such as red fruits, are to be preferred.

Finally, we recommend foods rich in probiotics. In sufficient quantities, these living micro-organisms stimulate our immune system and strengthen our skin barrier. Yoghurts, fermented milks, carrots, beets, are excellent sources of probiotics.


2) Sport for good health but not only that...

"For your health, practise regular physical activity", this famous slogan of Manger Bouger reminds us that regular physical activity is essential in everyday life and has many benefits for our health and many other aspects.

Sport helps to keep our bodies healthy and stimulates our immune system. When we are physically active, our immune system (antibodies and white blood cells), whose function is to prevent infection, circulates more quickly in our body and can identify diseases earlier.

In addition to its health benefits,physical activity allows us toevacuate the toxins that clog up our bodies, particularly through perspiration. It also increases the flow of blood through all our organs, especially the liver filter, which also cleanses the blood and drains the liver.

We recommend that you practice all the cardio activities that suit your vitality, in addition to the Équilibre cure. For example, a brisk 30-minute walk every day is perfectly sufficient to keep your body in good health. American researchers have found that regular walking can reduce the risk of stroke by 20% to 40%. One of the most widely cited studies on walking and health, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002, revealed that people who walked for at least 30 minutes a day over 5 days had a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who did not walk regularly.


3) Stress, the enemy of our health and our skin

 Our modern pace of life can be a source constant source of stress.

In the long term, this chronic stress leads to an excessive release of cortisol, our skin becomes fragile, reduces its collagen production and exposes itself to premature ageing. Furthermore, it has been scientifically proven that chronic stress is responsible for the weakening of our immunesystem.

For a more peaceful and relaxed mind, we recommend some simple habits to adopt in everyday life. Simply taking time out for yourself can help relieve tension and negative emotions. Meditation and yoga are also two excellent activities for relieving everyday stress and anxiety.

We are aware that stress can also affect our quality of life and prevent sleep. To help you find sleep more easily, we recommend certain plants that promote emotional well-being and help you relax. To name but a few, St. John's wort, rhodiola, lemon balm, passionflower or hawthorn can be natural alternatives to be more peaceful. In herbal tea, infusion or in the form of essential oil, there are many ways to benefit from their advantages.

Adapting your diet, getting regular exercise and learning to manage stress are all part of a holistic approach to health and skin. This routine is perfectly integrated with our new Équilibre skincare product, for more beautiful skin and a healthier body.

Discover it here: https: //


By Margaux Guder, published on 27/03/2022
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