Our R&D expert Jade Furcot gives you some advice on how to strengthen and protect your skin, while respecting the safety instructions.
Jade, can you tell us briefly about your background and your role at evoleum?
I'm a biotechnology engineer specializing in skin tissue metabolism. I worked for 3 years in a laboratory evaluating aesthetic devices linked to the improvement of skin parameters. Today, I head upevoleum's R&D department. Thanks to my expertise in nutricosmetics, I was able to develop the first Drinkable Food Supplements skin care products for evoleum. It's a complete and efficient range, made up of 3 formulas conceived as a synergy of active ingredients where each ingredient counts, complements, stimulates and supports the action of the other with the aim of improving skin parameters. Excellence has always been at the heart of my thinking during these months of research.
With the advent of masks in our daily lives, there are many questions about how our skin reacts to this newcomer.
What changes can we expect from a skin point of view?
It's true that wearing a mask, which is in direct contact with our skin, leads to various changes in the cutaneous environment.
First of all, we notice increased rubbing and pressure on the top of the nose and cheeks, the chin and behind the ears. In addition to causing redness and irritation, these areas of contact send a message of aggression to the skin cells, which respond to this mechanical stress with biochemical reactions. To defend itself, the skin will produce collagen to resist pressure (which can be positive), but also sebum to combat the drying out of the skin caused by friction. This excess sebum can lead to the appearance of blackheads and acne pimples.
The other phenomenon that can be harmful to the skin is the fact that the role of the mask is to be "airtight". It filters the air but retains the humidity and droplets emitted when we breathe, hence its value in preventing contamination linked to Covid-19. Exhaled air contains 10 times more water than inhaled air. This moisture is retained by the mask, resulting in maceration of the skin. Asphyxiated, sweat is unable to evaporate, clogging up the skin's excretory tracts. In particular, pores become clogged, leading to the appearance of acne pimples or the worsening of existing acne.
Does the skin react differently depending on the type of mask we wear? If so, which material(s) should we choose?
It is clear that the material of the masks and their construction can have an influence. This is why the choice of mask is so important.
Breathable materials such as cotton, preferably organic and ethical, should be preferred. Synthetic materials such as polyester should be avoided. Choosing a neutral fabric or a vegetable dye is a plus to avoid prolonged contact with chemical dyes. Choose masks made in France: it's good for your skin, for our beautiful country and for the environment.
And in terms of beauty routine, what advice would you give to limit these inconveniences?
More than ever,skin hygiene is essential. It's best, for example, to avoid using full-coverage foundation when wearing a mask, so as not to increase its asphyxiating effect.
Then, for dry, fragile skin, I recommend the use of greasy products such as nourishing creams or plant oils and butters to limit rubbing and reduce irritation and redness.
For combination to oily skin, it is preferable to use lotions enriched with antioxidants, which will strengthen the skin without making it more oily.
Finally, it is essential to cleanse the skin in the evening, with or without the mask.
Is it also possible to act orally, for an internal action?
Indeed, we can also act from the inside to strengthen our skin, by providing it with useful nutrients.
For dry skin, which is more prone to irritation, redness and itching, it is important to provide fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and active ingredients that strengthen the skin'shydration.
At evoleum, our Drinkable Food Supplements Radiance skin care product, formulated withHyaluronic Acid, Ascophyllum Nodosum algae and the evoleum micro-nutrient complex, is an excellent ally in the fight against the appearance of redness and to promote radiant, beautiful skin. A 21-day course of treatment improvesskin hydration by an average of 24%.
For oily skin at risk of worsening acne or the appearance of blackheads, it's important to take oral antioxidants to boost the skin's defenses and reduce redness. Zinc can also help regulate sebum production. In addition, draining active ingredients such as young juniper shoots or birch sap can also help the body eliminate toxins and thus reduce the appearance of acne pimples.
Our Drinkable Food Supplements Oxygénation treatment, formulated with grape-seed polyphenols, young juniper shoots and the evoleum micro-nutrient complex, is ideal for combination to oily skin that has been damaged by masks. This treatment protects and strengthens skin against oxidative stress.
What other advice would you give?
It's essential to let your skin breathe. As soon as possible, at home or alone at your workstation, remove your mask, taking care not to touch your face, to limit the effects of skin maceration. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before using your mask, or bring a second mask to replace it.
It's not unique to the arrival of the mask in our lives, but physical activity helps to cleanse the skin from the inside out. During physical exertion, blood circulation speeds up and the liver and kidneys are activated to cleanse the body. By encouraging this drainage, theelimination of skinwaste is promoted.
Even if you have to be careful when choosing your mask, the combination of an in & out routine and regular exercise are the keys to preserving your skin from the aggressions associated with wearing a mask.
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The detox cure has become an essential trend for revitalizing body and mind. Whether it's to purify your body after a period of stress or overeating, or simply to restore your skin's radiance, the benefits of a detox are manifold. Let's explore together how a detox can improve your skin's health, boost your immune system and restore your energy. We'll also look at the role of nutricosmetics in this process.