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topicality, Eau de bouleau, Longévité

#interiorbeauty by Leila L.

Published on 21/07/2020
topicality, Eau de bouleau, Longévité
#interiorbeauty by Leila L.
Published on 21/07/2020

#interiorbeauty by Leila L.
" The confinement disrupted the proper functioning of my biological clock " 

- Portrait of a very active Parisian architect.

Leila L. is the latest woman to confide in us about her confinement through #internalbeauty.

As the head of an architecture and decoration practice in Paris, Leila works with passion for hotels, restaurants and private individuals. A rather hectic pace of life for this architect, but stabilised by a balanced lifestyle with a healthy diet and regular yoga practice. 

For the duration of the confinement, she took up residence in her country house in the south of France. This was a difficult period for Leila who felt completely disconnected from her usual rhythm. Very active by nature, but also anxious, Leila had a lot of difficulty finding sleep during this break.

- Beauty Sleep Infusion, for a good night's sleep

Even post-confinement, Leila's difficulties in finding sleep are still present. Jade Frucot, an expert in skin nutrition, came up with thisBeauty Infusion recipe to help Leila get back to quality sleep

eau de bouleau evoleum, known for its detoxifying and antioxidant properties. Cherry, source a natural source of melatonin, is subtly combined with fig, source a source of minerals and vitamins. Finally, we add valerian, known to help with anxiety and sleep disorders

As a complement to this beauty drink, Jade recommends to Leila our Drinkable Food Supplements Longévité treatment, which has shown beneficial effects on sleep, thanks to the vitamin B present in the treatment. Our Drinkable Food Supplements Longévité treatment will also act on the appearance of the first signs of aging by stimulating collagen production. 

- | evoleum holistic support for self-care. 

Sleep is essential for beautiful skin, as many processes take place at night. 

Falling asleep can be made easier by eating certain foods such as squash, which is rich in vitamin B, cherries, because of their melatonin content, and starchy foods, in small doses. 

Furthermore, it is strongly recommended to disconnect from all screens at least 30 minutes before going to bed, whose blue light will disturb sleep. Instead, Jade recommends that Leila opts for a bit of reading or stretching before bed to help her sleep. 

To reduce her anxiety, our R&D expert recommends that Leila practice cardiac coherence. This practice, which is easy to put in place, will allow her to let go. Practice for 5 minutes, 3 times a day. This exercise will allow her to take control of her breathing and reduce the hormones linked to stress. 

The implementation of this new routine will allow Leila to gradually get back to sleep and to better manage her biological clock. 

By Margaux Guder, published on 21/07/2020
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